We often crave a respite from the routine life and a weekend trip is just not enough. The perfect solution is the trekking trips for a couple of days. Wherever you live, you can always get a few days off from the office to relish the natural beauty of offbeat places around your city.

Weekend plus

India has so many beautiful places where one can go for trekking. To get out of the boring day to day routine one has a number of options available to them

1. Manali : In North India, Manali is one of the best trekking sites for adventurous people. Being a part of Himanchal Pradesh, it has the best climatic condition for trekking.

2. Zanskar Frozen River Trekking : Based in the womb of Himalayas, it is one the beautiful trekking route one can take. There are a number of trekking plans to take part in from Himalayas, but walking on a sheet of ice is completely a different feeling.

3. Kumara Parvatha trek : Coming to the south, Kumara Parvatha is known to be the second highest peak has lots to offer for a trekking enthusiast. A 15 km walk through cave can rejuvenate any one.

4. Roopkund Trek : Uttarakhand, is known to be the favorite site of all nature lovers and trekking enthusiast. Roopkund trekking is through the mysterious skeleton lake and requires a person to be in best shape to join the trekking.

5. Chembra Peak Trekking : Last but not the least, the southern Kerala has this fabulous trekking site to offer to all those who love an easy climb through the clouds.

So, choose a trekking plan and off you go to the path of rejuvenation.


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