After finishing the board exams, everyone is so euphoric about the stress being gone that it is not until late that we begin thinking about our further studies and the road map to our goals. Which stream to select after class X ?


This is often the second most difficult question we face as a student, the first being “Why haven’t you completed the homework ? ” Some students think that deciding on a stream after getting the results of board exam is fine, but it is more prudent to select your stream that you want to pursue right after you are done with your exams. The stream that we opt for after the board exams affects our professional course later in life. Firstly, we need to categorize them into science, commerce and art. Since there is a lot of scope in each one nowadays, students often choose the one they are genuinely passionate about. Here are some tips that can help you out.

1. Selection of appropriate Board : It is very important to choose the Board for your Class XI as it will decide how tough or easy your road will be after class X.

2. Selection of stream : There are basically 3 streams available for students to choose from, Commerce, science and arts. A student must make this decision wisely as many find out later, which they don’t want to be in the subject in which they have enrolled. It may seem easy but is a tough decision to make.

3. Avoid peer pressure : Many of us face this and end up doing what may lead us to disaster. It you who has to build a strong career and not your peers.

4. Self-analysis : Before selection self-analysis is very important, as it will help you choose wisely.

How to choose? If you are inclined towards science subjects but aren’t sure about which career you would choose, research about the prospects before finalizing a particular stream. Many websites offer free aptitude tests to help you choose the subjects you are good at, but selecting the subjects that you enjoy is completely dependent on you. If Commerce is your area of interest there are options like BBA, BCom etc. Choose wisely as each course has a mix of subjects that will require you to evaluate your interest in them. For field of Arts, there are numerous courses so one should evaluate one’s preferences and interest. Arts offer vast field to choose from. Refer the websites that offer such guidance. One of the best tips is to evaluate you. You know yourself best. So put yourself to test and evaluate your skills, weaknesses and strengths by taking up various aptitude and skills tests. Consulting a professional is also very helpful for most students. So follow your heart and choose the stream you would truly love.


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